IpexTV switched on

IpexTV switched on?

In a bid to engage with visitors and exhibitors in a more creative way, the Ipex 2010 organisers have added an IpexTV section on the show's wesbite. The intention is for the Ipex team to upload regular 'video-blogs' to communicate news about Ipex 2010 initiatives, visitor and exhibitor updates as well as broadcast short interviews with prominent industry figures.

The organisers are challenging the international print community to use their mobile phones, digital video cameras or webcams to tell them about their objectives for visiting Ipex, expectations of the upcoming event or general thoughts about the show. Anyone interested in participating should go to www.ipex.org/meanstoyou to find out more.

The most creative videos will be posted on the Ipex website so peers will be able to comment and vote on the clips. Videos with the most votes will be put to a final and the winner will receive a VIP Ipex experience ?



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