CMYUK uses MTEX Blue to print Sport Relief Bake Off aprons for Sooty and Sweep

CMYUK has printed the fabric for the miniature aprons seen on Sooty and Sweep in a Sport Relief fundraising photo shoot of them baking with TV personality Michelle Heaton. The company used the MTEX Blue at its demo suite in Shrewsbury to print the material, which was then made up into the aprons by Martin Pritchard from Shrewsbury based The Sewing Machine.

Designer Orla Kiely has created a limited edition apron for Sport Relief. One of the aprons is presented each episode to the winner of ‘The Great Sport Relief Bake Off’ and is available to buy from Sport Relief official partners.  CMYUK director Robin East said: “The printing of the little Sooty and Sweep aprons to match the larger ones, was made possible by the revolutionary digital nature of the printer. The aprons were printed directly onto the fabric, then heat-treated inline. We’re thrilled to have been able to help.”F - CMYUK SootySweepaprons

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