Roland’s VersaCamm VS turns pub sign into a classic

Roland’s VersaCamm VS turns pub sign into a classic

When Classic Lines Plus Signs was asked to replace the main sign at local pub The Railway Inn, the company was quick to utilise its recently installed Roland VersaCamm VS print-and-cut machine to produce an innovative solution that shows off the metallic ink capabilities of the machine.

Measuring 700 x 1100 mm, the double-sided sign created by Classic Lines Plus Signs is mounted to a secure bracket onto the exterior front wall of The Railway Inn. Clearly visible in daylight, the display also features twin LED fluorescent lights for night-time. 

The company used its VS-640 with Oracal 351 polyester film to produce the brilliant red background and black elements of the sign, incorporating the machine’s metallic ink to generate a strong gold for the sweeping rail design and crisp lettering incorporated into the display. 

The prints were over-laminated with Oraguard 215 polymer PVC film, for additional durability of up to five years in a tough outdoor environment, and the finished sign was mounted within a double-sided moulded lightweight yet durable GRP frame. 


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