J&G Environmental aim to boost Scottish recycling rates

J&G Environmental aim to boost Scottish recycling rates

A new facility designed to boost the Scottish print industry’s waste recycling rates is now up and running after being granted a Scottish Environment Protection Agency licence.

A waste transfer station has been set up by specialist print waste managers J&G Environmental on the Springkerse Industrial Estate in Stirling where by-products from printing works throughout Scotland will be prepared for recycling and reuse. 

J&G, which has its headquarters in Dorset, says it plans to have the waste recycled locally wherever possible. This would reduce the carbon emissions currently created by long-distance haulage of materials to specialist waste treatment and recycling facilities where valuable raw materials can be recovered for use in a wide range of other industries.

“The printing industry traditionally creates a great deal of waste and the majority of it can be usefully recycled,” said J&G general manager John Haines. “Our aim is to link with Scottish companies who can recycle the materials we collect and divert as much of it as possible from landfill.”


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