Antalis McNaughton features in energy efficiency league table

Antalis McNaughton features in energy efficiency league table

Antalis McNaughton has appeared in the Environment Agency’s CRC (Carbon Reduction Commitment) Energy Efficiency league table. The company appeared equal 381st place out of over 2000 of some of the UK’s largest blue-chip companies.

David Kirman, purchasing executive at Antalis McNaughton, said: “As a company we have worked extremely hard to improve our energy efficiency and reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Cutting carbon is a priority for us as a business and delivers tangible bottom-line benefits. We have already cut our carbon emissions by 13.6 % as part of the initiative to be accredited to the Carbon Trust Standard and we are committed to making further reductions in the future. 

“Going through the assessment process helped us to not only quantify our energy footprint, but also benchmark our performance and identify areas for improvement bringing tangible and significant cost savings across our operations. In the current climate it’s essential that we remain competitive.”

Other merchants detailed in the results include Paperlinx (ranked 1301).

For a copy of the results go to


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