Xaar to set out its industrial print stall at InPrint

Xaar will use the inaugural InPrint 2014 show (8-10 April, Hannover Messe) to highlight how its inkjet printhead technology is being taken up by printer manufacturers targeting markets from ceramics and labels to direct-to-shape packaging and laminate flooring.

The company said that in the ceramics industry for instance, 40% of the market has now converted to digital decoration, with Xaar taking 75% market share.

Several speakers at InPrint 2014 will highlight the potential of Xaar inkjet technology. In his Keynote ‘Inkjet: The Key to High Volume Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing’ Neil Hopkinson of Sheffield University will look at how inkjet is core to High Speed Sintering technology and how it will change the way that products are made in the future.

The application and benefits of direct-to-shape digital decoration onto cans and bottles using Xaar printheads will be explored by Volker Till, during his session: ‘Create Value with Digital Decoration in a Rapidly Changing Mass Market’; and Michael Hesse of Hymmen will present ‘Industrial Single-Pass Printing for Decorative Surfaces’ looking at digitally printing laminates for a variety of décor applications. In the presentation ‘Inkjet as an Advanced Manufacturing Process’, Xaar’s Richard Darling will explain why Xaar printhead technology has the ability to deliver the best performance for industrial applications.

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