Kall Kwik Oxford sees carbon capture programme pay off

Kall Kwik Oxford has captured 7,744kg of carbon dioxide since director Christine Herbert took part in a carbon capture tree planting day in Heartwood Forest with woodland conservation charity the Woodland Trust earlier this year.

Herbert explained: “Each time we are invoiced for paper by our supplier the amount of CO2 produced is itemised. This company has signed up to the Woodland Trust’s Woodland Carbon scheme and keeps a record of the total estimated emissions produced. As a result

the number of new trees required to absorb the equivalent amount of gas is planted in days like the one I recently took part in.”Woodland Carbon is a scheme to help companies reduce their carbon footprint by locking up carbon emissions through planting trees. It is calculated that 25m² of native UK woodland will capture and store one tonne of CO2 and creating large areas of new native woodland, will, over time, remove hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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