Free mergers and acquisition evaluations

Free mergers and acquisition evaluations

Richmond Capital Partners is offering free evaluations for prospective print industry mergers and acquisitions clients. Chief executive Paul Holohan said: “We know from our extensive experience in print that a considerable number of print owners would like to sell their companies. At the same time, and because of the current state of the country and our industry, they tend to believe a company sale would be most unlikely. However, this is an incorrect assumption and we have a large number of clients on our books that are actually seeking to acquire print businesses. Of course the key to a successful sale is to be realistic in valuing the business.”

Holohan points out that the free of charge business evaluation is not a valuation. It is an initial exploratory discussion by phone based on headline factors to evaluate the prospects for a company sale or purchase – and at a guide price. “Once the viability of a merger or acquisition is established, then a more formal arrangement can be considered under which Richmond Capital Partners would bring together potential buyers and sellers.”


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