Smartwatch support added to SAi Cloud mobile app

The SAi Cloud mobile app has been updated and now includes smartwatch support and an informative production trends dashboard – understood to be the first of its kind for wide-format Rip software.

Working in conjunction with SAi Flexi version 12, the SAi Cloud mobile app has been designed to provide business owners with remote access to production information and job reports. It is available now on the Apple Watch and Android Wear.

Only available on the mobile app, the production trends dashboard provides an evaluation of daily production rates along with monthly and annual totals compared to previous months, quarters and years, as well as estimated predictions on the company’s future performance.

“The nature of smart technology invariably means that, like all of us, business owners have become reliant upon it as a means of accessing information 24/7, wherever they may be,” said Dean Derhak, senior product director at SAi. “A number of sign shops today are probably unaware of how their true production output is trending month-to-month. The updates to our SAi Cloud mobile app allow our customers to draw direct comparisons either weekly, monthly or annually and spot areas that could help them improve throughput.”

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