Celebration times

The champagne corks are a poppin’. Yes, it’s the New Year, and what’s more, it’s Image Reports’ 20th anniversary year. Which is why we have a bumper birthday issue landing desks! But it’s not all about size. We’re celebrating this publishing milestone by bringing you new editorial content, campaigns and special reports. As you will have noticed before you even reached this page, there’s also a new design. Plus we’ve increased the magazine’s staff, bringing on board Stephanie Sutton as staff writer with a remit to grow Image Reports’ online presence. And all this coincides with the magazines’ seventh annual Widthwise Survey of the UK/Ireland wide-format sector currently being conducted here.

There’s a lot going on because Image Reports has big plans for its twenties. If you turn to p13 you’ll get a more in-depth explanation of the magazine’s focus and intentions for 2014 and beyond. But let me say right here and now, that it’s all about you. It’s about how Image Reports can help support business growth in a sector that was just a twinkle in someone’s eye when the title was born in 1994. Now it’s a well-established must-read in a well-established market.

But no-one should sit on their laurels, and here at SJP Business Media we aren’t. Heck, we say it enough within these pages – you have to keep one step ahead. We hope that’s what we’re doing, and what we’re helping you to do, by providing a platform for debate and knowledge gathering - and by getting more directly and actively involved in expanding the market for, and in increasing the attraction of, wide-format print.

If there are more things we can do to help you improve your business, please, get in touch. And with that, I raise my glass and wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2014.


Lesley Simpson


01932 707173






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